The Evenflo platinum invigor8 jogging stroller is a beautiful jogger for an affordable price. It is a little big but what jogging stroller isn’t.
It features a swiveling locking front wheel, multi position reclining seat with a 3/5 point safety harness. It has a big canopy and is pretty airy with the side ventilation provided.
It is easy to fold and relatively light weight.
Ease of use, comfort and convenience
The seat of this stroller is recommended for children who can sit unsupported. It is recommended for children up to 50 lbs and 40″. It reclines to multiple positions. It still uses the belt and buckle reclining method but it is pretty easy to do.
It doesn’t go to a complete flat position but reclines down enough to allow your little one to catch some shut eye.
It has a five/ three point harness that is easy to put on, take off and adjust for height and around the waist. The harness has shoulder pads and crotch pads that are comfortable for little ones.
A removable child tray with two cup holders can be attached to the stroller frame. It swings out of the way to allow easy access to the stroller seat.
You can attach an infant car seat to the stroller to make a travel system. The car seat always face the rear of the stroller and its rear seats on the child tray. So you have to make sure your child tray is properly installed before you attach the infant car seat.
The stroller seat has black trims which is easy to clean and maintain.
Other parts 
- The platinum invigor8 stroller comes with a parent tray with two cup holders and a place for your phone and other small personal belongings.
- The handlebar is at a height that is convenient for many parents to use. It could be uncomfortable for very tall parents. It is padded and comfy to grab.
- The stroller’s canopy is big and extends down to provide plenty of protection from the sun. It works with the canopy of the car seat to provide a dark place for your child to sleep out doors. It has mesh side vents that allow air to flow in a keep your child cool. The viewing window does not have those noisy Velcro straps; so you can check on your baby without waking him/her up.
- The storage basket is big and easy to reach from behind. It is however not very deep.
- The wheels are big and roll easily. The tires are pneumatic and will require routine maintenance to keep it filled with air and rolling nice. It takes a little bit of effort to tighten the front wheels. If not properly tighten, it will have some play in it an make the experience bad for you.
- The front wheel swivels to give it excellent maneuverability on a variety of terrains.
- This stroller has a wrist strap to help keep it close to you at all times.
- Invigor8 is easy to assemble and folds with ease too to a nice size that will fit in the trunk of an SUV.
What are people saying?
This stroller has a 4.6 out of 5 star rating on the evenflo website. Below is one of those reviews,
The Evenflo platinum invigor8 stroller is a lightweight sleek and agile jogging stroller. It is equipped with a multi position reclining seat, a big adjustable canopy, a big easily accessible storage basket, big pneumatic wheels, parent and child trays and it can receive an infant car seat to become a travel system stroller.
Cheers Denise
This stroller is terrible. All three tires popped and when I went to replace them I couldn’t. Because every single other person who owned this tire had the same exact problem. It lasted under a year.
Thanks for your feedback Shae. This will help other buyers out there