The Bob 2016 stroller strides fitness stroller is an all terrain stroller featuring a swiveling front wheel that locks forward. It has a state of the art suspension system, a big adjustable SPF 50+ canopy and a padded adjustable handlebar.
It has a seat that reclines to multiple positions, including an upright position and a near horizontal position. This seat has a padded five point harness.
It has a big storage basket underneath that is easy to access and a seat back pocket for your personal belongings. It also features two Internal seat pockets that are easy to reach with children in it.
Ease of use, comfort and convenience
The Bob 2016 stroller strides fitness stroller features a multi position reclining seat that reclines to an almost horizontal position that is great for out door naps and diaper changes.
The manufacturer advice against jogging with babies in the recline position for safety reasons. The recline position is acceptable when strolling.
Parents are also advised to use this stroller for children who are able to hold their heads up by themselves. Infants should ride in the travel system mode (in an infant car seat).
The seat of the stroller strides fitness stroller reclines to an upright position which is great for when your child is interested in viewing their environment.
This seat is ultra padded and makes long rides relaxing and comfortable for your child. The seat reclines with a simple push of a button (no more pulling of straps as in the old model).
Bob stroller seats feature a padded five point harness that is very comfortable around your little one’s shoulders. The five point harness secures children in effectively and is recommended by pediatricians across the country.
The harness is easy to put on and take off. It adjust easy around the shoulder and waist.
The seat of the stroller strides fitness stroller is made of poly and dobby fabric that is water resistant, stain resistant and easy to clean with just mild soap and lukewarm water.
Bob seats can receive a Bob b safe infant car seat and car seats from other name brands like Britax, chicco, peg perego and graco.
Wheels, tires and suspension system
The front wheel of the stroller strides fitness stroller swivels for superb maneuverability around corners. The front wheel locks forward and makes the stroller very stable for jogging or for ridding on rough terrains.
This stroller features two 16″ rear wheels with air filled tires and a 12.5″ front wheel. The combination of big wheels, pneumatic tires and a swiveling function makes pushing this stroller a dream. This stroller has an adjustable tracking knob that helps this stroller roll straight.
This stroller has a state of the art suspension system that makes the ride extremely smooth for babies.
The suspension adjuste to two weight levels, level 1 for occupant and cargo weighing between 0-40 pounds and level 2 for 41- 70 pounds. The suspension allows for up to 3 inches of wheel travel.
Canopy and handlebar
Bob features a UPF 50+ canopy the is big and adjust to provide plenty of protection against harmful UV radiation and from the wind.
This canopy has a big viewing window for keeping an eye on your child. The cover of the window when opened falls over the canopy towards the front. It’s kinda awkward and can get in the way of taller kids.
Bob 2016 stroller strides fitness stroller has an adjustable handlebar that offers 9 height positions. So parents of a variety of heights can assume a comfortable and healthy posture when pushing this stroller.
The handlebar is padded and has a comfortable grip which is especially important for long jogs.
Bob has a big under seat storage basket that is relatively easy to reach from behind. It can hold a big diaper bag and have room for more.
Bob also has a back seat storage that can hold personal belongings like purses, car keys and phones.
There are two Interior seat pockets that are easy to access with a child in the seat and even when the seat is reclined. These pockets can hold, snacks, drinks and toys.
Folding and unfolding
According to manufacturer, this stroller folds in two simple steps for convenient storage and transportation. Unfolding is also pretty easy.
This stroller weighs 28.5 lbs. and folds a little bulky. So this stroller is not the easiest to tote around and will be a struggle fitting in the trunk of a small car like a Toyota corolla.
Bob 2016 stroller strides fitness stroller has a foot activated parking brake on its rear axle. This break is easy to apply by simply applying downward pressure on the pedal and releasing by lifting the pedal.
This parking break is very efficient such that you won’t doubt that it is on.
Bob strollers have five point harnesses that are very efficient at securing children in their seats. They fit snuggly and allow no wiggle space where a child can accidentally slide through.
Bob strollers have suspension systems that make rides smooth for children and reduces side to side motion and excessive shaking that could be harmful to a child.
The canopy is UPF 50+ and can block harmful UV radiations. The seat is ventilated and thus prevents over heating especially in hot days.
Bob 2016 stroller strides fitness stroller has a wrist strap that when attached to parents and stroller ensures that the stroller stays close at all times. This wrist strap doubles as a strap to secure the stroller in place when folded.
Things to note
Bob 2016 stroller strides stroller comes with a stroller strides fitness coupon (valid in the US only) and a stroller strides fitness kit that includes a handlebar console, Stroller strides exercise manual and SPRI fitness resistance band.
The stroller strides coupon allows for a free week of stroller strides classes by fit4mom.
This stroller features a quick release design that makes it easy to attach both the front and back wheels. Wheels can remove easily for a more compact fold and easy storage.
This stroller is recommended for children from 8 weeks to 75 lbs. (occupant and cargo). Babies should be place in an infant car seat before riding in this stroller.
Don’t use this stroller for jogging until your baby is able to hold his/her head up without help. The maximum height limit for this stroller is 44″.
This stroller does not have a hand brake but the foot brake is very effective, though not as convenient as a hand brake.
It is so easy to assemble this stroller with or without the manual.
It has the stroller strides logo on its canopy.
What are people saying?
So far on Amazon, this stroller has a 5 star review. Many people like how it performs. It is so smooth and so easy to push that it sometimes feel like it can roll on its own.
The material is of high quality and this stroller is made to last. This stroller can keep up with intense exercise routines and is made with safety in mind. Below is one of the reviews from amazon,
Final thoughts
Bob 2016 stroller strides fitness stroller features a swiveling front wheel that locks forward. It has a big adjustable UPF 50+ canopy with a peekaboo window for checking on your little one. It features a padded reclining seat that reclines to multiple positions including a near flat position and an upright position.
Other features include a five point safety harness, an adjustable handlebar, a wrist strap, a foot activated parking brake, a state of the art suspension system and a big storage basket.